Anda Bertanya, Ahok Menjawab

Ahok.Org – Gaya Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (47) seperti menjadi duet yang pas dengan Gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo.
Berbeda dengan Jokowi yang tegas tetapi tetap kalem, lelaki asal Kabupaten Belitung Timur, Provinsi Bangka Belitung, itu dikenal berbicara langsung, tegas, dan apa adanya. Tak segan dia mengajak rakyat dan sesama pemimpin taat hukum.
Ia berpendapat, Jakarta butuh orang ”gila” sebab masalah di ibu kota negara memang sangat ruwet. ”Sebenarnya yang saya lakukan tidak ada yang ’gila’ karena saya hanya menjalankan sumpah jabatan saya. Menjalankan apa yang sudah seharusnya saya jalankan sebagai pejabat atau pelayan publik,” ujar mantan Bupati Belitung Timur itu.
Mereka yang tidak suka dan merasa terancam atas cara kepemimpinannya yang keras, tegas menyebutnya sebagai pejabat yang arogan. Namun, di sisi lain, ia juga mendapat banyak dukungan dari warga yang ingin Basuki membersihkan borok-borok di dalam pemerintahan Provinsi DKI Jakarta agar birokrasi berjalan baik dan memberi layanan maksimal kepada warga.
Meski demikian, ia tetap bisa bersama anak-anak dan istrinya berlibur ke Kepulauan Seribu atau ke tempat rekreasi yang banyak terdapat di Ibu Kota dan sekitarnya, termasuk menonton di bioskop.

(Tanya) Kenapa banyaknya motor tidak dirisaukan, tapi mobil murah dirisaukan?
(AH Marhendra,
(Jawab) Pembatasan kendaraan bermotor hanya solusi jangka pendek. Kuncinya pada pembenahan transportasi publik. Jika transportasi publik cukup kapasitasnya, nyaman, dan aman, maka orang-orang akan beralih dari kendaraan pribadi ke transportasi publik.
Pengalaman waktu kecil apa yang masih membekas di ingatan dan Anda rasa pengalaman tersebut membentuk karakter menjadi seorang etnis Tionghoa yang nasionalis?
(Ari Wahyu Nugroho, Cakung, Jakarta Timur)
Papa saya rela mati ditembak oknum polisi khusus PT Timah karena beliau membela karyawannya yang dipukuli.
Apa sih yang Bang Ahok cari sebagai wakil gubernur DKI Jakarta? Apa yang tidak Abang temui selama menjadi bupati Belitung Timur dan anggota DPR?
(Aria Dhanu P, Tangerang, Banten)
Panggung di DKI jauh lebih efektif untuk mempertontonkan kepada masyarakat bahwa di Indonesia masih mungkin untuk pejabat bisa bersih. Pejabat bersih bisa bekerja dan berbuat banyak untuk rakyat.
Apakah ada pengalaman pribadi yang sangat berkesan dan memotivasi sehingga Bapak menjadi sosok yang sangat mengagumkan seperti sekarang ini?
(Ulfah Nur Fajriah, Malang)
Sejak kecil saya diajak Papa saya untuk melihat betapa banyak orang yang miskin dan mengajarkan bagaimana bukan tidak mungkin kami membantu mereka semua. Jika Rp 1 miliar kami hibahkan untuk bantu orang, masing-masing 500.000 saja, maka hanya akan bisa bantu 2.000 keluarga. Di desa kami ada 9.000 keluarga. Dan itu hanya cukup untuk satu bulan.
Maka, sejak kecil saya diajarkan, kalau mau berjuang untuk rakyat, jadi pejabat yang bersih supaya bisa
gunakan uang negara untuk bantu rakyat.
Jika Pak Jokowi dicalonkan menjadi Presiden 2014 dan menang, apakah yang akan dilakukan Pak Basuki ke depan untuk Jakarta?
(Irene Darmadji,
Yang pasti, saya akan melanjutkan apa yang sudah menjadi impian Pak Jokowi, yaitu menjadikan Jakarta yang modern tetapi manusiawi.
Bapak mengatakan, di Jakarta sudah banyak orang pintar, yang kemudian dibutuhkan adalah orang gila. Apa hal yang paling gila yang pernah atau akan Bapak lakukan saat memimpin Jakarta?
(Tiara Pudyadhita, Delanggu, Klaten, Jawa Tengah)
Sebenarnya gila dalam tanda kutip. Jika pejabat menolak dan melawan segala bentuk KKN hari ini dianggap gila. Jika pejabat kerja untuk melayani rakyat juga dianggap sesuatu yang gila.
Mengapa? Karena yang seperti itu sulit ditemui dan karena jika melakukan hal-hal tersebut pasti akan berhadapan dengan oknum melarat, oknum konglomerat, dan oknum pejabat.
Tetapi sebenarnya yang saya lakukan tidak ada yang gila karena saya hanya menjalankan sumpah jabatan saya, menjalankan apa yang sudah seharusnya saya jalankan sebagai pejabat/pelayan publik.
Tantangan terbesar apa yang Bapak alami sebagai (maaf) warga minoritas dalam memimpin kota Jakarta yang multietnis ini?
(Dr Rahmat Saputra, KGP Jakarta Utara)
Tidak ada yang khusus sebagai pejabat, apa pun latar belakangnya, agamanya, rasnya, sukunya, mereka semua adalah orang Indonesia. Jadi, tantangannya sama, yaitu bagaimana menjaga dirinya tetap lurus dan setia menjalankan sumpah jabatannya.
Siapa dalam hidup Bapak yang paling bisa dipercaya, dan mengapa?
(Brigitta Kurnia Setiabudi, Tangerang Selatan)
Tuhan, karena saya menyandarkan pengharapan hidup saya hanya pada Dia.
Siapa tokoh pemimpin sepanjang masa yang patut menjadi role model Anda?
(Aditya Chohirian, Pamulang Barat, Tangerang Selatan)
Nabi Isa. Sederhana saja, dia menjadi contoh bagaimana hidup sebagai manusia. Kita hidup bukan untuk diri sendiri, tapi untuk orang lain.
Bagaimana pendapat Bapak tentang masih ada segelintir orang yang merasa terintimidasi jika pemimpin mereka ”berbeda” (agama, suku, ras, jender), padahal sebenarnya memiliki kemampuan untuk membangun bangsa?
(Wenny Sriwahyuni, Jakarta Barat)
Saya kira wajar karena perubahan cara berpikir adalah sebuah proses panjang. Tapi ke depan, saya yakin perlahan tapi pasti masyarakat kita akan sadar bahwa kepemimpinan itu betul-betul didasarkan atas integritas dan kemampuan si pemimpin. Integritas dan kemampuan tidak ada hubungannya dengan SARA.
Adakah cita-cita Anda yang belum kesampaian?
(Adrian Hernando, Cirebon)
Keadilan sosial di Indonesia. Kuncinya ada pada pelaksanaan sistem jaminan sosial nasional di mana semua warga negara Indonesia dijamin, mulai dari kesehatan sampai masa tuanya. Ketika itu bisa diimplementasi dengan baik, keadilan sosial bisa terwujud sehingga tidak lagi ada orang yang harus mengemis untuk bisa hidup.
Apa yang menjadi motivasi Anda dalam memimpin Jakarta?
Motivasi Pak Jokowi dan saya adalah untuk menunjukkan bahwa pemimpin yang bersih, lurus, punya tekad bulat, dan keinginan tulus untuk kerja akan bisa bekerja dengan berhasil mencapai tujuan dan mempertahankan integritas. Dengan demikian ke depan ini akan jadi contoh buat orang-orang lain untuk berani muncul.
Saya perhatikan cara Bapak dalam kepemimpinan selalu membuat sesuatu hal yang berbeda dari yang biasanya. Bagaimana cara agar saya juga begitu, Pak, berpikir dengan cara yang berbeda tapi hasilnya itu luar biasa?
(Wawan GC Simbolon, Medan)
Mau mendengar dan belajar dari orang lain dan pengalaman. Yang lebih penting lagi, konsisten mempertahankan integritas, apa pun harganya.
Pak, sebenarnya pendidikan seperti apa dari keluarga yang telah membentuk Anda menjadi orang yang tegas, pemberani, dan taat aturan?
(M Amin Nurdi, Kabupaten Semarang)
Setiap hari di meja makan, Papa saya selalu mengingatkan saya untuk bantu orang tidak boleh pamrih, jangan pilih-pilih, dan jangan tunggu kalau sudah memiliki uang/kelebihan. Jika ada yang harus dibantu harus langsung bantu.
Bang Ahok, di tengah kesibukan mengurus kompleksitas Jakarta bersama Mas Jokowi, adakah cara khusus yang Bang Ahok punya untuk mengendurkan urat-urat saraf?
(Saam Fredy, Salatiga, Jawa Tengah)
Saya memelihara tanaman buah-buahan, memelihara ikan dan kura-kura. Kalau ada kesempatan ajak anak-anak nonton di bioskop.
Dengan gaya kepemimpinan Bapak yang tegas, berani, dan terkadang kontroversial, pernahkah Bapak dan keluarga mendapat teror atau ancaman dari pihak yang tidak suka? Bagaimana memberikan rasa aman pada keluarga?
(Vianelda LL Koelima, Tangerang, Banten)
Keluarga sejak awal sudah disiapkan untuk kemungkinan terburuk dan sudah terbiasa juga berhadapan dengan hal-hal yang tidak menyenangkan. Yang pasti, kita hadapi dengan keyakinan bahwa apa yang kami lakukan adalah sesuatu yang benar dan sesuai nurani. Sisanya kami serahkan kepada yang Mahakuasa.
Bapak Ahok terkenal dengan sikap tegasnya dalam bertindak dan keras dalam berbicara. Apa Bapak enggak takut dicap sebagai pemimpin arogan?
(Rialita, Tangerang)
Pemimpin harus mengedepankan aturan dan integritas. Berani bicara dan bertindak sesuai aturan yang ada. Jika jadi pemimpin masih mengutamakan apa yang orang lain pikirkan atau takut mengecewakan orang, maka akan sulit berhasil.
Jika saya dianggap arogan karena menegakkan aturan dan melawan yang tidak benar, ya tidak masalah. Apa orang lebih mau pemimpin yang sopan tapi korup atau pemimpin yang keras tetapi adil dan bersih? Silakan pilih.
Bila dalam pekerjaan Bapak berbenturan/dihadapkan dengan pejabat negara yang lebih tinggi, apakah langkah yang Bapak lakukan?
(Timbang Hutagaol,
Pertama, fungsi dan kewenangan sudah diatur. Jadi, kita harus jalan dalam aturan. Kedua, komunikasi. Banyak persoalan bisa diselesaikan dan kesalahpahaman bisa dihindari jika ada komunikasi yang intens dan saling menghargai. Harus hindari ego dan mengakui bahwa kita saling membutuhkan.
Ketiga, kita lakukan yang terbaik yang memang menjadi fungsi dan kewenangan kita. Keempat, jika diperlukan betul, harus berani suarakan apa yang benar dan persoalan yang sesungguhnya.
Bagaimana asal mulanya Bapak dipanggil Ahok?
(Amiratul Alaniyah, Bondowoso)
Dari kecil dipanggil teman-teman Ahok. Nama Mandarin saya Tjung Ban Hok. [*]
♦ Lahir: Manggar, Belitung Timur, 29 Juni 1966
♦ Jabatan: Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta (2012-2017)
♦ Pendidikan:
• SD Negeri III Gantung, Belitung Timur (1977)
• SMP Negeri I Gantung, Belitung Timur (1981)
• SMAK III PSKD, Jakarta (1984)
• Jurusan Teknik Geologi Fakultas Teknologi Mineral Universitas Trisakti (1989)
• Magister Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Prasetya Mulya, Jakarta (1994)
♦ Perjalanan Karier dan Politik:
• Direktur Eksekutif Center for Democracy and Transparency (CDT 3.1)
• Direktur PT Nurindra Ekapersada (1992-2005)
• Staf direksi bidang analisa biaya dan keuangan PT Simaxindo Primadaya (1994-1995)
• Membangun cikal bakal Kawasan Industri Air Kelik (1994)
• DPRD Kabupaten Belitung Timur dari Partai Perhimpunan Indonesia Baru (2004-2005)
• Bupati Kabupaten Belitung Timur (2005-2006)
• DPR dari Partai Golkar (2009-2012)
♦ Penghargaan:
• Penghargaan 10 Tokoh yang Mengubah Indonesia dari Majalah Tempo (2006)
• Pin Emas dari Forum Demokrasi (Fordeka) (2006)
• Tokoh Antikorupsi 2006 dari Koalisi Kebersamaan Tiga Pilar Kemitraan (2007)
• Bung Hatta Anti-Corruption Award (2013)
♦ Keluarga:
• Istri: Veronica
• Anak: – Nicholas – Nathania – Daud Albeenner
Sumber: Litbang Kompas/DEW, diolah dari dan sumber lain
(*Kompas Cetak)

Ini Jenis Kendaran Yang Bisa Masuk Jalur Busway

Ahok.Org – Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) memperbolehkan bus pariwisata  (yang membawa Turis) untuk melewati jalur busway, angkutan berlajur khusus tersebut. Hal ini agar turis tidak kena macet dan bisa menikmati Jakarta.
“Kita surat-suratin semua kantor biro perjalanan wisata, jadi turis-turis bisa pakai jalur busway. Khusus pariwisata bisa pakai jalur busway,” kata Ahok di Balai Kota, Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (20/11/2013).
Ahok mengatakan, dengan diperbolehkannya bus pariwisata masuk ke dalam busway maka turis bisa merasakan suasana Jakarta yang nyaman dan tidak macet. “Jadi dia yang lihatin macetnya,” katanya.
Saat ditanya masalah bus reguler untuk bisa masuk busway, Ahok mengatakan hal itu boleh dilakukan. Asal bus itu dalam kondisi baik pintunya sudah ditinggikan. “Boleh asal bagus dan pintunya sudah ditinggikan, kalau jelek kan susah kalau mogok,” katanya.
Mengenai sopir ugal-ugalan, Ahok yakin jumlahnya akan berkurang. “Kalau yang ugal-ugalan nanti lama-lama habis. Sopir yang baik pasti pindah ke TransJ karena gajinya 3,5 kalu UMP,” katanya. [Detikcom]

Basuki: Untuk Apa Sadap Saya….

Ahok.Org – Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama menerima sekitar 10 perwakilan dari Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) pada Rabu, 20 November 2013. Didampingi Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, mereka membicarakan pengelolaan air di Jakarta.
Sembari bercanda, Basuki mengatakan pertemuan itu sama sekali tak ada hubungannya dengan kabar penyadapan telepon Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono oleh Australian Signal Directorate. Dia juga tak khawatir urusan pemerintah DKI Jakarta disadap, soalnya semua informasi sudah dibuka ke publik.
“Apanya yang mau disadap? Apalagi aku, sudah ‘ember’, enggak usah disadap juga ngomong,” katanya sembari tertawa ketika ditemui di Balai Kota pada Rabu, 20 November 2013.
Menurut dia, kedatangan rombongan itu merupakan kelanjutan proyek kerja sama antara ATSE dan Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Mereka bermaksud memberi tahu teknologi pengolahan air apa yang sebaiknya diterapkan di Jakarta. “Supaya ada lompatan kodok di bidang teknologi,” katanya.
Kepala Forum Teknologi Air, John Radcliffe, mengatakan, ada beberapa pendampingan yang ditawarkan. “Kerja samanya dalam hal penyediaan air bersih, pengelolaan air limbah, dan penanganan banjir,” ujar John Radcliffe di Balai Kota DKI Jakarta. Pertemuan ini merupakan perbincangan pertama antara ATSE dan Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta.[]

39 Kali Sub Makro di Jakarta Bermasalah

Ahok.Org – Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, mengungkapkan bahwa 39 sungai sub makro di Jakarta kondisinya mengkhawatirkan. Dia menyebut, kali-kali  itu antara lain Sunter, Cakung, dan Grogol.
Kondisinya disebut mengkhawatirkan karena lebar dan kedalamannya jauh dari ideal. Menurut dia, Pemprov DKI masih belum mampu melakukan normalisasi kali yang bertugas membantu 13 sungai utama mendistribusikan air tersebut.
“Paling baru 20 persen kali yang coba dibersihkan. Kami tidak akan sanggup bersihkan semua tahun ini, tapi sampai Desember kami upayakan ada yang dikeruk,” kata Ahok, sapaan Basuki di Balai Kota Jakarta, Rabu 20 November 2013.
Kali sub makro ini ukurannya memang lebih kecil dibanding 13 sungai utama seperti Ciliwung, Krukut, dan Angke. Namun lebih besar dari 884 saluran penghubung yang ada di Jakarta seperti Masjid Istiqlal.
Hampir semua kali sub makro di Jakarta tidak mendapat perawatan lebih dari 20 tahun. Dampaknya kedalaman kali ini tinggal 1-2 meter dari kedalaman normal 4-5 meter.
Sedangkan lebar kali yang idelanya 8-10 meter saat ini tinggal 5-6 meter saja. Maraknya pemukiman liar telah membuat permukaan kali kian menyempit. “Ini yang bikin susah kami buat bersihkan. Bagaimana mau mengeruk masukkan alat beratnya saja susah,” ujarnya.
Kepala Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Manggas Rudi Siahaan, mengatakan upaya pengerukan kali sudah dilakukan sejak pekan ini. “Target kami 18 kali sub makro yang kami kerjakan sampai Desember dari total 39 kali. Sisanya dilanjutkan tahun depan,” ujar Manggas.
Saat ini Dinas PU fokus menjaga kedalaman kali. “Kami keruk dulu biar kedalaman bisa lebih dari dua meter. Kedalaman ini bisa bantu nampung air saat hujan datang. Setelah selesai kami mau turap biar lebar kali bisa kembali normal,” katanya.[]

Jokowi Beri Kuliah Umum di Unpad

Ahok.Org – Suasana terasa akrab saat Gubernur DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo saat menyampaikan materi kuliah umum di Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) Bandung. Di hadapan ratusan mahasiswa, Jokowi curhat soal pedagang kaki lima (PKL).
Jokowi bercerita soal PKL di beberapa kawasan Jakarta yang sudah berdiri puluhan tahun silam. Sebagai orang yang dipercaya memimpin pemimpin DKI Jakarta, Jokowi punya kewenangan menata PKL. “Jalan raya ini malah dijadikan PKL,” ucap Jokowi.
Jokowi menyampaikan hal itu di kampus Unpad, Jalan Dipatiukur, Kota Bandung, Rabu (20/11/2013) sambil menantap foto-foto PKL menumpuk di kawasan Tanabang yang terpampang di dua layar lebar.
Kesemerawutan PKL menggelar lapak di sembarang tempat membuat Jokowi mengernyitkan dahi. Giliran foto-foto PKL di Pasar Minggu ditampilkan. “Kalau ini di tengah jalan. PKL dibiarkan jualan di tengah jalan,” ucap Jokowi yang tampil berkemeja putih lengan panjang.
Jokowi memperlihatkan ilustrasi ragam permasalahan yang mendera ibu kota Indonesia. Namun dia menyampaikan PKL-PKL di lokasi tersebut sukses diatur. “Kalau sekarang sudah bersih,” ungkap Jokowi sembari tersenyum yang disambut tepuk tangan hadirin.
Mantan wali kota Solo ini paham persoalan isu perut kaum minoritas. Tapi demi ketertiban dan kenyamanan, sambung Jokowi, para PKL mesti mengikuti aturan hukum. “Saya ngerti PKL ini wong cilik. Tapi saya enggak mendidik mereka supaya enggak tertib hukum. Semua harus tertib hukum. Saya enggak menggusur mereka, tapi menggeser. Nah, menggeser ini solusi,” tuturnya.
Lebih lanjut Jokowi memaparkan, keberadaan PKL kerap menjadi biang kemacetan lalu lintas. Tetapi menata PKL, bukan cara mengatasi kemacetan di Jakarta. Dia menyebut, salah satu solusi mengurai kemacetan ialah membuat transportasi massal.
Kuliah umum yang digelar BEM Fakultas Hukum Unpad ini bertajuk Good Governance. Hadir sekitar 500 mahasiswa Unpad. Usai acara tuntas, ratusan mahasiswa menguber Jokowi untuk foto bareng. Jokowi tampak ramah melayani anak-anak tersebut.[Detikcom]

20 Nov 2013 Wagub Bpk. Basuki T. Purnama menerima Pedagang Bendungan Hilir (Canel video terBaru) (Canel video Lama) untuk di Jempol dan di SUBSCRIBE yah gan. Terima Kasih

Rare mammal first sighted in Vietnam in years

This photo taken in 1993 and released by WWF shows a Saola in Vietnam when it was captured. It was one of two Saola captured alive in central Vietnam, but both died months later in captivity. Saola, one of the rarest and most threatened mammals on earth has been caught on camera in Vietnam for the first time in 15 years in September in central Vietnam, renewing hope for the recovery of the species, international conservation group WWF said Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013. (AP Photo/WWF)
HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — One of the rarest and most threatened mammals on earth has been caught on camera in Vietnam for the first time in 15 years, renewing hope for the recovery of the species, an international conservation group said Wednesday.
The Saola, a long-horned ox, was photographed by a camera in a forest in central Vietnam in September, the WWF said in a statement Wednesday.
"This is a breathtaking discovery and renews hope for the recovery of the species," Van Ngoc Thinh, WWF - Vietnam's country director, was quoted as saying.
The animal was discovered in the remote areas of high mountains near the border with Laos in 1992 when a joint team of WWF and Vietnam's forest control agency found a skull with unusual horns in a hunter's home. The find proved to be the first large mammal new to science in more than 50 years, according to the WWF.
In Vietnam, the last sighting of a Saola in the wild was in 1998, according to Dang Dinh Nguyen, director of the Saola natural reserve in central province of Quang Nam.
In the area where the Saola was photographed, WWF has recruited forest guards from local communities to remove snares and battle illegal hunting, the greatest threat to Saola's survival, the statement said. The snares were set to largely catch other animals, such as deer and civets, which are a delicacy in Vietnam.
Twenty years after its discovery, little is known about Saola and the difficulty in detecting the elusive animal has prevented scientists from making a precise population estimate.
At best, no more than few hundreds, and maybe only a few dozen, survive the remote, dense forests along the border with Laos, WWF said.

Rice looted in Philippines amid aid shortage

TACLOBAN, Philippines (AP) — Thousands of people stormed a rice warehouse on an island devastated by Typhoon Haiyan, authorities said Wednesday, highlighting the urgent need to get water, food and medical supplies into an increasingly desperate region.
Five days after one of the strongest tropical storms on record leveled tens of thousands of houses in the central Philippines, relief operations were only starting to pick up pace, with two more airports in the region reopening, allowing for more aid flights.
But minimal food and water was reaching people in the devastated city of Tacloban, on Leyte island, which bore the brunt of the storm, and outlying regions due to a lack of trucks and blocked roads.
"There's a bit of a logjam to be absolutely honest getting stuff in here," said Sebastian Rhodes Stampa, from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
"You've had quite a lot of security coming in over the last couple of days, less so other things. So then it gets here and then we're going to have a real challenge with logistics in terms of getting things out of here, into town, out of town, into the other areas," he said from the airport in Tacloban.
"The reason for that essentially is that there are no trucks, the roads are all closed."
In the first reported deaths as a result of looting, eight people were crushed to death Tuesday when a wall collapsed as they and thousands of others stormed a rice warehouse on Leyte Island, said National Food Authority spokesman Rex Estoperez.
The looters in Alangalang municipality carted away up to 100,000 sacks of rice, he said.
Since the storm, people have broken into homes, malls and garages, where they have stripped the shelves of food, water and other goods. Authorities have struggled to stop the looting. There have been unconfirmed reports of armed gangs involved in some instances.
Police were working to keep order across the ravaged wasteland. An 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew was in place.
"We have restored order," said Carmelo Espina Valmoria, director of the Philippine National Police special action force. "There has been looting for the last three days, (but) the situation has stabilized."
U.S. Brig Gen. Paul Kennedy said that later Wednesday his troops would install equipment at Tacloban airport to allow planes to land at night. Tacloban, a city of 220,000, was almost completely destroyed in Friday's typhoon and has become the main relief hub.
"You are not just going to see Marines and a few planes and some helicopters," Kennedy said. "You will see the entire Pacific Command respond to this crisis."
A Norwegian ship carrying supplies left from Manila, while an Australian air force transport plane took off from Canberra carrying a medical team. British and American navy vessels are also en route to the region.
At the damaged airport in Tacloban, makeshift clinics have been set up and thousands of people were looking for a flight out. A doctor here said supplies of antibiotics and anesthetics arrived Tuesday for the first time.
"Until then, patients had to endure the pain," said Dr. Victoriano Sambale.
At least 580,000 people have been displaced by the disaster. In some places, tsunami-like storm surges swept up to one-kilometer (mile) inland, causing more destruction and loss of life. Most of the death and destruction appears concentrated on the islands of Samar and Leyte.
The damaged infrastructure and bad communications links made a conclusive death toll difficult to estimate.
The official toll from a national disaster agency rose to 2,275 on Wednesday. President Benigno Aquino III told CNN in a televised interview that the toll could be closer to 2,000 or 2,500, lower than an earlier estimate from two officials on the ground who said they feared as many as 10,000 might be dead.
"There is a huge amount that we need to do. We have not been able to get into the remote communities," U.N. humanitarian chief Valerie Amos said in Manila, launching an appeal for $301 million to help the more than 11 million people estimated to be affected by the storm.
"Even in Tacloban, because of the debris and the difficulties with logistics and so on, we have not been able to get in the level of supply that we would want to. We are going to do as much as we can to bring in more," she said. Her office said she planned to visit the city.
Relief officials said comparing the pace of this operation to those in past disasters was difficult.
In Indonesia's Aceh, the worst-hit region by the 2004 tsunami, relief hubs were easier to set up than in Tacloban. The main airport there was functioning 24 hours a day within a couple of days of the disaster. While devastation in much of the city of Banda Aceh was total, large inland parts of the city were undamaged, providing a base for aid operations and temporary accommodation for the homeless.
AP writers Oliver Teves, Chris Brummitt and Teresa Cerojano in Manila, Kristen Gelineau in Cebu and Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations contributed to this report.

Indonesia Submits 1 Million U.S. Dollar to Philippine

The Indonesian government has awarded cash grants of $ 1 million U.S. dollars to the Philippines affected by Typhoon Haiyan. Assistance in the form of goods worth 1 million U.S. dollars to be delivered.
"It has been handed over to the Philippine Embassy in Jakarta cash of 1 million U.S. dollars, or USD 11.8 billion. Whatever they want to use for what. We do not need to intervene," said Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta , Wednesday (11/13/2013).
Agung said the relief goods will be delivered by Hercules TNI, Thursday (14/11/2013), in the six groups. The goods will be sent in between blankets, clean water, water purification, medicine, and ready meals.
"It was worth 1 million U.S. dollars. Origin of funds from the state budget," said the Golkar Party politician.
As reported, residents are now worried because the disease every day and sleep in the rain perfunctory. Almost all of the buildings were destroyed. The UN said as many as 660,000 people were displaced due to home loss.
They are also prone to diseases caused by the bodies of the victims have not all buried. In fact, there are bodies that can not be removed from the wreckage. Medical officers also identified the lack of medicines, especially tetanus vaccine.
International aid began to flow into the Philippines, but only a small number who arrived in Tacloban, the region most severely. The main obstacle is the cut off access to transport caused by Typhoon is estimated killed more than 10,000 people.

Ahok Ready to Fight Illegal Practice & Extortion Charges

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja (Ahok) expressed readiness to fight against all forms of illegal levies and corruption that contaminate the work environment.
"Bribery is no longer needed now times. There's only old sins  left. Let's Fight it together. I will lead with reconciliation with Peoples who want to do good for this country, "said Ahok in Office Audited, SME Tower, South Jakarta, Wednesday (06/11/2013).
Former Regent Pacific Eastern was also not afraid if there are unscrupulous NGOs, or the unscrupulous reporter who threaten and do blackmail.
"Do not be afraid if there is a threat from NGOs , I would open it all!. Admit it now, let it finish now, "said Ahok.
Both public reporting of bribery and extortion of money at this time is good enough.
"With sms, email, or BBM, People can directly Report to us. People now can possibly greet  the governor and vice governor eye to eye. No need to meet secretary and assistant first. Now all easy. I was able to direct the disposition overstep their and straigh to Governor, "he explained. [Okezone]

Ahok light hand to help citizens in distress

(Ahok.Org) - A person who allegedly Affairs Secretariat staff initials D city government reportedly asked for some money to the Hospital Foundation Jakarta that Jokowi fulfill their invitation. Ahok respond to the news.
"I do not know. But, who would give bribes (bribery) to meet us mah Dingle wrote. We stayed down, we'll see it, "said Ahok in building SME Tower, South Jakarta, Wednesday (11/06/2013).
Former Regent of East Belitung, said if there are parties who want to meet with him, just come to City Hall. Moreover, he has also been spreading his phone number to the public.
"People want to see me not you just wait on the stairs, go straight right. People can SMS, "he said.
Ahok also said that if his men there who dare to make illegal payments for her the invitation.However, if proven to exist, directly given strict punishment.
"The staff we where dared to play. All have my phone number. He sms me, caught dong, "he said.
"If you want to see me mah met aja. Also the home to be, "he added.
Teken direct 'Letters Sakti'
Ahok light hand to help citizens in distress. Including to a father who asked for a recommendation for not being able to spend USD 12 million to the cost of moving their children's school.
Story, Ahok just finished a meeting with Land Affairs Advisory Team (tput) with Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo at City Hall, Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan, Central Jakarta, Thursday (11/07/2013). Former regent of East Belitung was intercepted by a man wear an undershirt collar gray and black trousers intercepted.
"Pak Ahok, my parents SMAN A (disguised) who want to move my child to SMAN B because it is closer to where we lived. But the SMAN A requested Rp 12 million, sir. I do not have a cost, please recommendation, sir, "said the gray-haired man.
Ahok problem asks sit and listen carefully. Did not take long making decisions, Ahok immediately signed letters of recommendation addressed to SMAN A.
"It'll be given to the head of school, yes," said Ahok after the letter to the father.
The man thanked him and kissed the hand Ahok. Then he excused himself on Ahok and hurried away without even willing to be interviewed.
Has just finished responding to a complaint of a citizen, a journalist asked the fate of a janitor at Monas whose salary has not been paid. Ahok face serious water seems to notice that question.Then he pulled out his cell phone and looking for something visible.
"Okay, I first check it. Should have been anyway, "said Ahok who wore the brown batik.
If There's Anything, My SMS
Ahok confirms 1945 Veterans should be honored. They have fought to uphold the Republic to the death.
As a form of respect, Ahok distribute envelopes to at least 10 after leading representatives of the Veterans Memorial Day commemoration in IRTI Field Monas, Jakarta, Monday (11/12/2012).
"Fathers, mothers later, if anything, SMS me yes. No. I was in, "said Ahok who wore the cap and uniform KORPRI he greeted the Veterans.
The Veterans both men and women, who wear batik clothes and hats bearing the Generation of 1945 looks happy.
Ahok stated the Veteran must be respected. "Heroes Day, we should respect them. They could fight it to the death. We're not to the death. The struggle we're very light today as do corruption, do not make public policy, "said Ahok told reporters after the ceremony.
"We are now working nice, use of official cars, wear nice clothes. Now it is not as difficult as ancient warriors, only the difference first encounter foreign nations, now we face our own people, "he continued.
Mochtar Suroso, Secretary Fighters Generation Force 45, the fate of Veterans thankful note.
Ahok meeting atmosphere heats up and labor representatives. Ahok furious when workers ask for transparency audit suspension of Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP). He was behind the challenging labor organizations collect money from its members.
Ahok initially received 6 representatives of the Confederation of Indonesian Prosperity Trade Union (KSBSI). The meeting was held at City Hall, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Central Jakarta, Monday (03/04/2013).
Toto Susilo, a representative for answers to the suspension letter filed UMP their company, PT Haselindo, Cakung.
Ahok explained at length the reasons. According to him, the reason for the suspension of the city government provide remuneration in accordance with the approved UMP. This is related to the audit of the agency against PT Haselindo public accountant, who said the company's balance sheet is still in a position to lose.
"Based on the audits of public accountants, PT Haselindo still experiencing losses. But even still we reviewed, "said Ahok.
Ahok said Jakarta Governor Jokowi currently looking for solutions for problems between employers and workers can be resolved with a win win solution.
Above explanation Ahok, Toto said. "Excellent all explanation (Ahok). Here about the procrastination, we already know. This audit is a matter of public accounting audit of the parties. We learn about transparency, "said Toto.
Hear comments Toto, Ahok immediately commented. "If now we audit again, we want to check Mr. entire company. We asked for a period of 6 months. 3 Months fastest. We do not just accept this audit, sir. We had a bachelor's economy, "said Ahok.
He then challenged the labor representatives to also do transparency.
"If Dad wants to play the rules, legal loopholes, like looking for loopholes, still wrong. I am not willing to martial-arts companies. I want to defend 2,000 people (employees of the company).So I said if Mr whiz, Bapak return to it (the company). Tomorrow I am waiting for a statement such manly course, when I became a businessman. Signatures, we received poor or die than work under the salary you with KHL (Living Needs), "said Ahok with high tone.
Toto and his colleagues looked serious listening Ahok statement.
Ahok labor organizations invited to audit. "If you want to audit Mr, please Mr audit itself. We put in a team. Call if you want to tax people more deeply. Audit we find out who the people in it, "said the bespectacled man.
Ahok also requested that labor organizations audited as well. "Father of all monies collected, we will ask for audit also. Because you also picked up the wages of the employees are so nice to have all the clothes, "the husband said, pointing Veronika Tan shirt protesters dressed in red and black nan neat.
"We will pursue your taxes as well. We will audit so transparent. We will pursue. Mr collect the money ran everywhere, all the organizations examined. Do not insist demo-ngototan also because you want to play hard, we also play hard. We've been doing this, sir. Father did not believe? Okay now I'm audit Father also, "said Ahok straightforwardly.
Ahok also want to know the flow of the money collected from the workers toil for the organization.
"The money you collect from the workers toil worn the same wherever you are. I want to know, I also report to you tomorrow. I ask for autographs, only fair. I'm all labor associations report all money collected from the workers who toil under the KHL (decent living). Father could be money for demos we want to know. I do not ask of my audit, report only from the Father. I ask that every penny collected from the workers accountable with us, a new way, "said the fiery Ahok.
Looking ahead, Ahok request that labor organization submit the audit report to him.
"Next time do not be accepted. If you want my facing any organization, where the financial statements last 3 months. If he can not, then the organization is not transparent and I could sue Mr extort money from people. That's extortion, "he said.
There was silence, silence workers' representatives. Some labor representatives even bowed his head.
Ahok then suggested labor representatives do not need to march and came to see him.
"Here open anyway. Me and Mr. Governor actually like his brain was working. My daily theme disparate meeting, lunch with the meeting, the dinner meeting. Then came some people surely we can accept, talking well, "Ahok tension began to fall and break the ice. They finally shook hands. []