Megawati meets with Jokowi, Ahok

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri has met with Jakarta Governor Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and his deputy Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, a party official has said.
“Politics was not discussed,” PDI-P executive Trimedya Panjaitan said as quoted by on Sunday. The meeting came amid speculation that the PDI-P would nominate Jokowi as its presidential candidate in 2014.
The party has yet to announce its presidential candidate, while Jokowi has repeatedly said that he would focus on his current job as Jakarta governor.
The party is believed to be waiting for the right moment to endorse Jokowi, who was elected Jakarta governor in 2012.
Despite his popularity, many have expected the governor to complete his term before running for president.
Ahok, a politician from the Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Party, told reporters that he met with Megawati because the former president wanted to eat ramen from Belitung, his homeland.

Tough decisions needed to solve city’s multiple problems: Ahok

Deputy Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said on Monday that the city administration would never make compromises that could potentially hamper its efforts to solve problems in the capital.

He was talking to various urban groups, including Indonesia Berkebun (Indonesia Farming), Bike To Work, the Road Safety Association and the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi), in the second public hearing held as part of an interactive forum initiated by Governor Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, called Rembug Provinsi 2013 (provincial discussion) aimed at meeting public aspirations.

During Monday’s session, the representatives delivered their complaints, ranging from a request to access idle land belonging to the city administration for communal farming to building-permit violations.

Jokowi talked to 1,500 residents from across the capital last week in the first public hearing.

Concluding the session, Ahok said that urban issues would never be solved without taking risks.

“Frankly, what each of you delivered to me were only tidbits of the capital’s general problems about which I am already aware. I helped former governor Sutiyoso for a year and when I was installed as deputy governor I was immediately presented with at least 22 studies on the capital’s issues, including the alternative solutions. What we need is the guts to actually do it,” he said.

Ahok acknowledged that during the first year of his and Jokowi’s leadership, the pairing had made a number of unpopular decisions which were often met with opposition from stakeholders.

“I was rebuked by my political party for introducing unpopular policies, including relocating street vendors as they would be potential voters in the upcoming legislative election next year, but it doesn’t matter. I have vowed to do my duties as deputy governor, meaning that I have to put the city’s interests above anything. It takes determination to solve Jakarta’s issues and I am not afraid of anything,” the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) politician said.

“Pak Governor and I have agreed to carry on with our programs. We realize that we may even be dismissed by our respective political parties, but we have nothing to lose even if we might not win reelection,” he added.

During the first year of Jokowi’s leadership, the administration relocated hundreds of street vendors occupying streets in busy areas to nearby market buildings belonging to city-owned market operator PD Pasar Jaya, as well as relocating squatters occupying public areas to nearby low-cost apartments.

The relocations were often met with opposition, including from the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM), which protested against the deployment of the police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) during the relocations.

Ahok promised that the city administration would not relocate street vendors or squatters unless it provided a solution.

“We are building traditional markets, to which we will relocate street vendors in the capital. We are also building as many low-cost apartments as possible so we can relocate squatters,” he said, adding that “like it or not, Jakarta residents have to deal with the fact that we should adjust to a vertical-living lifestyle.”

The public hearings, however, were deemed ineffective by business representatives.

Sarman Simanjorang of the Jakarta branch of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) said that the city should establish thematic forums to discuss city issues. “Business people have a lot to discuss with the city, but I didn’t get a chance to talk in the forum. Maybe next time the city should establish different forums to accommodate different interests,” he said.

Jokowi: Makanan Pak Ahok ueenak Banget

Ahok.Org – Basuki Tjahaja Purnama mengaku tidak ada yang istimewa di dalam pertemuannya bersama Joko Widodo dan beberapa tokoh lainnya di kediaman Ketua Umum PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, Jalan Teuku Umar Nomor 27A, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat pada Minggu (8/12/2013) siang.
Kepada wartawan, pria yang akrab disapa Ahok itu mengaku didulat menjadi koki dadakan di kediaman Mega. Masakan yang disajikan yakni Bakmi khas kampung halamannya di Belitung Timur.
“Bu Mega katanya pernah makan (Bakmi Belitung), tapi di sana. Dia sudah lama enggak makan. Daripada enggak ada waktu ke sana, mendingan saya ke sini, bawa tante sama kakak saya buat Bakmi itu,” ujar kader Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya tersebut.
Ahok mengatakan, acara masak-masak dan makan-makan itu berjalan cukup hangat. Jokowi, dirinya, Mega, Teten Masduki, Ribka Tjiptaning, Komarudin Hidayat dan beberapa tokoh lainnya yang turut dalam acara tersebut, ngobrol ‘ngalor ngidul’ soal apa saja. Namun, ia menampik pembicaraannya mengarah ke politik. “Ketawa-ketiwi, senang-senanglah kita di dalam,” ujar Ahok.
Jokowi yang berada di samping basuki selama diwawancara tampak tidak mau berkomentar banyak saat ditanya hal senada. Dia hanya membenarkan pernyataan Ahok dan mempersilahkan sang wakilnya tersebut berbicara kepada para wartawan.
“Hari ini, urusannya makanan. Bener, masakan Pak Ahok paling ueenak. Saya ngomong benar ini, ueenak banget,” ujar Jokowi.
Usai wawancara, Ahok dan Jokowi pun bergegas ke kendaraan dinasnya bertolak dari kediaman Mega. Keduanya dijadwalkan membuka kirab budaya sebagai bagian dari perhelatan World Royal Heritage 2013 di pelataran timur laut Monumen Nasional atau Monas pada pukul 15.00 WIB. []

Royal houses converge in Jakarta for The World Royal Heritage Festival 2013

The metropolitan capital city Jakarta will radiate a classic royal aura to the rest of the world as The World Royal Heritage Festival takes place from 5th to 8th December 2013. The event will be centered at Jakarta's most iconic landmark, theNational Monument or Monas.
The World Royal Heritage Festival is presented by the Provincial Government of Jakarta in cooperation with the Archipelago's Royal Palaces Forum (FSKN) in an intention to preserve the cultural legacies of royal palaces all over the Indonesian archipelago and beyond which still play an important role in today's civilization. The event is also aimed to strengthen the bonds among existing royal houses all over the globe.
The event will be joined by delegates from the 169 members of FSKN, comprised of Indonesian sultanates,Penglingsir, Kasunanan, Saoraja, Pura, and other royal societies. The World Royal Heritage Festival has also invited delegates from 11 royal houses from around the world including Malaysia, Singapore,the Philippines, Norway, Sweden, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Brunei Darussalam, Denmark, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland. Participating delegates will showcase various arts and cultural features of their respected palaces.
The event will be highlighted with a series of activities including Seminars, Workshops, Exhibition of Sacred Heirloom Artifacts, a Royal Culinary Festival, Traditional Dances and Royal Dress Show, and Royal Culture and arts Carnival.
The event will be opened in an official opening ceremony on 5th December 2013 at the Hotel Borobudur with Opening Remarks from the Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo. The opening ceremony will also be highlighted with a royal procession of Sultans, and royal families under the royal umbrellas (Payung Nusantara). A number of Indonesian traditional dancesincluding Tari Topeng (Mask Dance), Tari Tabur Beras Kuning, and Pendet Dance will also be performed. The opening day will be highlighted with a seminar having as main topic: "Civilization in the Indonesian Archipelago and its Contribution to the World's Future Civilization".
The World Heritage Festival will present Palaces Exhibition, showcasing various royal artifacts, which will take place at the Diorama Room of Monas from 5th to 8th December 2013. A Culinary fest will also highlight the Festival , to be held at the West Plaza of Monas on the same date.
From 6th to 7th December 2013, the World Heritage Festival will feature various workshops taking place at the West Park of Monas. Among others, there will be a workshop on Keris (Kris) making by Kandjeng Atmo, Batik Workshop from the Association of Indonesian Batik Cooperatives, Jamu Workshop (Traditional herbals) by Dr. Hj. BRA Mooryati Soedibyo, and Gamelan Workshop by Kandjeng Radityo. At the same time, the Southern Plaza of Monas will be the venue for various art and cultural performances including the Ramayana Betawi (Jakarta), the Jamparing Sekar Kinasih (West Java), Sumpah Amukti Palapa (Bali), Kembang Argayasa (Solo– Central Java), and Jatilan Pura Bumi Djojonegoro.
The Festival will reach its pinnacle with a Cultural Parade on Sunday, 8th December 2013. The Procession will be joined by Kings, Sultans, Princes, and royal families from various kingdoms and royal societies and also 30 royal horse-drawn carriages. The Parade will take the route from the north eastern gate of Monas to Medan Merdeka Utara Street- passing the Merdeka Palace (Istana Merdeka) to Medan Merdeka Barat- Medan Merdeka Selatan- turning in front of Jakarta's City Hall at Medan Merdeka Selatan Street, then continue to Mh.Tamrin Street- finishing at the Hotel Indonesia Roundabout.

Jakartans Flocked to Monas to See World Royal Heritage Festival

BERITAJAKARTA.COM — 08/12/2013 17:24:30

Since noon, tens of thousands of Jakartans afternoon already thronged the Monas area in order to see the World Royal Heritage Festival, Sunday (12/8). The festival initiated by Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department has been ongoing since December 5-8, 2013.

Based on obsevations, Jakartans have crowded the Monas area to see Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Basuki) and its partner Basuki T Purnama who would ride a golden chariot while wearing the king robes of Jayakarta.

The event itself is participated by members of Forum for the Indonesian Kingdom (FSKM), reaching 169 palaces from across the country. Not only that, 11 royal representatives from Japan, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, the UK, Portugal, South Africa, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines will also be participating in the event.

Thus far, Jokowi and Basuki have not been seen at the site of carnival culture. Nevertheless, Jakarta people are still waiting for the arrival of them.

As planned, the participants of cultural carnival would perform in the parade from east side of Monas and ended up in the Southeast. Jokowi and Basuki will wear the Jayakarta’s king robes while riding a golden chariot.

Such festival aims to promote and preserve the artistic and cultural heritage of the archipelago to the world of royal palaces and to strengthen the relationship between the kingdoms of the archipelago and the world. Then, it is also to promote Jakarta as a city of culture and tourism 

Jokowi Invites British Royal to Come to World Royal Heritage Festival

BERITAJAKARTA.COM — 19/09/2013 18:56:01

The coming of Prince Andrew, The Duke of York, to Jakarta, is used by Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to invite British royal to attend the World Royal Heritage Festival which will be held by Jakarta Provincial Government on 5-8 December, 2013, in Monas, Central Jakarta.

Jokowi admitted that through Prince Andrew, he verbally asked the British royal to come to the World Royal Heritage Festival. Not only that, he also planned to invite all monarchies around the world. As an honor, the invitation will be in the form of classic paper-roll letter.

“I was telling him (Prince Andrew) about the upcoming festival. We want to invite royal families to come to the World Royal Heritage Festival on December 5-8. Later, the invitation will be like old days letter, the one that is rolled,” stated Jokowi, Thursday (9/19).

Jokowi really hopes the British royal family would participate in the festival. He even asked special request for them to bring along British royal guards.

“They (British royal) will send representatives. I don’t know yet who the representatives would be, but they will send representatives. We also requested for Buckingham Palace’s guards (to participate in the festival),” he uttered.

According to Jokowi, the World Royal Heritage Festival is held to show the world about Indonesia’s royal and cultural richness, as well as to promote the city of Jakarta to the world. As many as 130 palaces (Keraton) in Indonesia will take part in this festival.

“The more the better. We want to show the world that Indonesia has big potentials, which are 130 indigenous stakeholder palaces that could build brands,” he explained.

Besides British royal, Jakarta Provincial Government will also invite other monarchies all around the world. Unfortunately, Jokowi did not specifically mention which monarchies to be invited.

The World Royal Heritage Festival 2013

The World Royal Heritage Festival 2013
The metropolitan capital city Jakarta will radiate a classic royal aura to the rest of the world as The World Royal Heritage Festival takes place from 5th to 8th December 2013. The event will be centered at Jakarta’s most iconic landmark, the National Monument or Monas.
The World Royal Heritage Festival is presented by the Provincial Government of Jakarta in cooperation with the Archipelago’s Royal Palaces Forum (FSKN) in an intention to preserve the cultural legacies of royal palaces all over the Indonesian archipelago and beyond which still play an important role in today’s civilization. The event is also aimed to strengthen the bonds among existing  royal houses all over the globe.
The event will be joined by delegates from the 169 members of FSKN, comprised of Indonesian sultanates,Penglingsir, Kasunanan, Saoraja, Pura, and other royal societies. The World Royal Heritage Festival has also invited delegates from 11 royal houses from around the world including Malaysia, Singapore,the  Philippines, Norway, Sweden, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Brunei Darussalam, Denmark, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland. Participating delegates will showcase various arts and cultural features of their respected palaces.
The event will be highlighted with a series of activities including Seminars, Workshops, Exhibition of Sacred Heirloom Artifacts, a Royal Culinary Festival, Traditional Dances and Royal Dress Show, and Royal Culture and arts Carnival.
The event will be opened in an official opening ceremony on 5th December 2013 at the Hotel Borobudur with Opening Remarks from the Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo. The opening ceremony will also be highlighted with a royal procession of Sultans, and royal families under the royal umbrellas (Payung Nusantara). A number of Indonesian traditional dances including Tari Topeng (Mask Dance),  Tari Tabur Beras Kuning, and Pendet Dance will also be performed. The opening day will be highlighted with a seminar having as main topic: “Civilization in the Indonesian Archipelago and its Contribution to the World’s Future Civilization”.
The World Heritage Festival will present Palaces Exhibition, showcasing various royal artifacts,  which will take place at the Diorama Room of Monas from 5th to 8th December 2013. A Culinary fest will also highlight the Festival , to be held at the West Plaza of Monas on the same date. 
From 6th to 7th December 2013, the World Heritage Festival will feature various workshops taking place at the West Park of Monas. Among others, there will be a workshop on Keris (Kris) making by Kandjeng Atmo, Batik Workshop from the Association of Indonesian Batik Cooperatives, Jamu Workshop (Traditional herbals) by Dr. Hj. BRA Mooryati Soedibyo, and Gamelan Workshop by Kandjeng Radityo. At the same time, the Southern Plaza of Monas will be the venue for various art and cultural performances including the  Ramayana Betawi (Jakarta), the Jamparing Sekar Kinasih (West Java), Sumpah Amukti Palapa (Bali), Kembang Argayasa (Solo– Central Java), and Jatilan Pura Bumi Djojonegoro.
The Festival will reach its pinnacle with a Cultural Parade on Sunday, 8th December 2013. The Procession will be joined by Kings, Sultans, Princes, and royal families from various kingdoms and royal societies and also 30 royal horse-drawn carriages. The Parade will take the route from the north eastern gate of Monas to Medan Merdeka Utara Street- passing the Merdeka Palace (Istana Merdeka) to Medan Merdeka Barat- Medan Merdeka Selatan- turning in front of Jakarta’s City Hall at Medan Merdeka Selatan Street, then continue to  Mh.Tamrin Street- finishing at the Hotel Indonesia Roundabout.

The World Royal Heritage Festival at Monas Jakarta

The metropolitan capital city Jakarta will radiate a classic royal aura to the rest of the world as The World Royal Heritage Festival takes place from 5th to 8th December 2013. The event will be centered at Jakarta’s most iconic landmark, the National Monument or Monas.
The World Royal Heritage Festival 2013 is aiming to promote and to preserve artistic heritage and royal palace’s culture. And also to build friendship among kingdoms from all over the world.
Series of activities are Seminars, Workshops, Exhibition of Sacred Heirloom Artifacts, Royal Culinary Festival, Traditional Dances and Royal Dress Show, Royal Culture and arts Carnival.
The World Royal Heritage Festival will be filled with numerous of art events and cultural activities from each delegation’s participants.
After Word Royal Heritage Festival activity is completed, the participants from abroad may chooseto follow the history of the tour program, which will begin in 9th December 2013. The tour cost is funded by its own finances.
The event will be joined by delegates from the 169 members of FSKN, comprised of Indonesian sultanates, Penglingsir, Kasunanan, Saoraja, Pura, and other royal societies. The World Royal Heritage Festival has also invited delegates from 11 royal houses from around the world including Malaysia, Singapore,the  Philippines, Norway, Sweden, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Brunei Darussalam, Denmark, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland. Participating delegates will showcase various arts and cultural features of their respected palaces.
The event will be highlighted with a series of activities including Seminars, Workshops, Exhibition of Sacred Heirloom Artifacts, a Royal Culinary Festival, Traditional Dances and Royal Dress Show, and Royal Culture and arts Carnival.

Ternyata Program Capres Rhoma Irama Lebih Dahsyat dari Jokowi-Ahok

10 Program Capres RI

Tunjangan PNS lebih besar karena ada tunjangan buat istri ke 1,2,3 dan 4
Lembur akan dihapus karena "Begadang Ttiada Artinya"
Penduduk Indonesia akan stabil "135 Juta Jiwa"
Gelar Pahlawan menjadi "Satria Bergitar"
TNI menjadi ABRI = "Anak Buah Rhoma Irama"
Negara jadi aman karna Tidak ada lagi "Adu Domba"
Neraca APBN akan stabil karena sistem Ekonomi "Gali Lubang Tutup Lubang"
WNI akan sehat karena wajib "Lari Pagi"
JomBlo akan hilang karena "Hidup Tanpa Cinta Bagai Taman Tak Berbunga"
Perselingkuhan akan hilang karena "Perhiasan Dunia adalah Istri yang soleha" (Canel video terBaru) (Canel video Lama)

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