Royal houses converge in Jakarta for The World Royal Heritage Festival 2013

The metropolitan capital city Jakarta will radiate a classic royal aura to the rest of the world as The World Royal Heritage Festival takes place from 5th to 8th December 2013. The event will be centered at Jakarta's most iconic landmark, theNational Monument or Monas.
The World Royal Heritage Festival is presented by the Provincial Government of Jakarta in cooperation with the Archipelago's Royal Palaces Forum (FSKN) in an intention to preserve the cultural legacies of royal palaces all over the Indonesian archipelago and beyond which still play an important role in today's civilization. The event is also aimed to strengthen the bonds among existing royal houses all over the globe.
The event will be joined by delegates from the 169 members of FSKN, comprised of Indonesian sultanates,Penglingsir, Kasunanan, Saoraja, Pura, and other royal societies. The World Royal Heritage Festival has also invited delegates from 11 royal houses from around the world including Malaysia, Singapore,the Philippines, Norway, Sweden, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Brunei Darussalam, Denmark, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland. Participating delegates will showcase various arts and cultural features of their respected palaces.
The event will be highlighted with a series of activities including Seminars, Workshops, Exhibition of Sacred Heirloom Artifacts, a Royal Culinary Festival, Traditional Dances and Royal Dress Show, and Royal Culture and arts Carnival.
The event will be opened in an official opening ceremony on 5th December 2013 at the Hotel Borobudur with Opening Remarks from the Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo. The opening ceremony will also be highlighted with a royal procession of Sultans, and royal families under the royal umbrellas (Payung Nusantara). A number of Indonesian traditional dancesincluding Tari Topeng (Mask Dance), Tari Tabur Beras Kuning, and Pendet Dance will also be performed. The opening day will be highlighted with a seminar having as main topic: "Civilization in the Indonesian Archipelago and its Contribution to the World's Future Civilization".
The World Heritage Festival will present Palaces Exhibition, showcasing various royal artifacts, which will take place at the Diorama Room of Monas from 5th to 8th December 2013. A Culinary fest will also highlight the Festival , to be held at the West Plaza of Monas on the same date.
From 6th to 7th December 2013, the World Heritage Festival will feature various workshops taking place at the West Park of Monas. Among others, there will be a workshop on Keris (Kris) making by Kandjeng Atmo, Batik Workshop from the Association of Indonesian Batik Cooperatives, Jamu Workshop (Traditional herbals) by Dr. Hj. BRA Mooryati Soedibyo, and Gamelan Workshop by Kandjeng Radityo. At the same time, the Southern Plaza of Monas will be the venue for various art and cultural performances including the Ramayana Betawi (Jakarta), the Jamparing Sekar Kinasih (West Java), Sumpah Amukti Palapa (Bali), Kembang Argayasa (Solo– Central Java), and Jatilan Pura Bumi Djojonegoro.
The Festival will reach its pinnacle with a Cultural Parade on Sunday, 8th December 2013. The Procession will be joined by Kings, Sultans, Princes, and royal families from various kingdoms and royal societies and also 30 royal horse-drawn carriages. The Parade will take the route from the north eastern gate of Monas to Medan Merdeka Utara Street- passing the Merdeka Palace (Istana Merdeka) to Medan Merdeka Barat- Medan Merdeka Selatan- turning in front of Jakarta's City Hall at Medan Merdeka Selatan Street, then continue to Mh.Tamrin Street- finishing at the Hotel Indonesia Roundabout.

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