Jakartans Flocked to Monas to See World Royal Heritage Festival

BERITAJAKARTA.COM — 08/12/2013 17:24:30

Since noon, tens of thousands of Jakartans afternoon already thronged the Monas area in order to see the World Royal Heritage Festival, Sunday (12/8). The festival initiated by Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department has been ongoing since December 5-8, 2013.

Based on beritajakarta.com obsevations, Jakartans have crowded the Monas area to see Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Basuki) and its partner Basuki T Purnama who would ride a golden chariot while wearing the king robes of Jayakarta.

The event itself is participated by members of Forum for the Indonesian Kingdom (FSKM), reaching 169 palaces from across the country. Not only that, 11 royal representatives from Japan, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, the UK, Portugal, South Africa, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines will also be participating in the event.

Thus far, Jokowi and Basuki have not been seen at the site of carnival culture. Nevertheless, Jakarta people are still waiting for the arrival of them.

As planned, the participants of cultural carnival would perform in the parade from east side of Monas and ended up in the Southeast. Jokowi and Basuki will wear the Jayakarta’s king robes while riding a golden chariot.

Such festival aims to promote and preserve the artistic and cultural heritage of the archipelago to the world of royal palaces and to strengthen the relationship between the kingdoms of the archipelago and the world. Then, it is also to promote Jakarta as a city of culture and tourism 

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